In a recent study conducted on 125 million mobile phones downloading applications from app stores out of which an average app loses 77% of its users in the first three days of installation and 90% of them just stop using their application after a month only and only about 4-5 users keep using the any given application. It is clear from this particular scenario that developers and marketers have to make better applications and more establish a way to monitor their application. They need to optimize their performances. The companies are clearly missing out on valuable and important conversations, relationships with their customers. They should use the mobile app analytical data which they don’t result in missing out of the above mentioned valuable things.
Metrics of app-acquisition
App-marketer implant campaign-specific tracking links in the field of owned, paid or earned media, which can be attached to an application for the user with which company can determine which marketing activity led the user to download an application. This gives the insight to make future campaigns for re engagement, etc for downloads and launch rates.
Metrics for app-life cycle
If you want to know, if your application is effective, then you should have insights into application behavior and customer preferences can be complex and are important.
App-store data
One should also know about the region, platform category ranks, royalties, etc in addition to the number, that your application has been downloaded.
Cohort analysis
The next step in this process is to observe a certain group of users, their behaviors, etc over a period of time from which one can infer the life span of a particular application. With this you will also come to know if the up gradation of an app would work or not.
GPS systems and beacons
Location services give you access to the user’s location in order to have an opportunity for personalization. You can do so by using GPS systems and beacons. Retail stores use these beacons to know the location of their users.
By using these mobile apps analytical data will help you to understand the marketing strategy for your application.